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Friday, October 21, 2011

Business and Services Network - St. Sylvester's G.A.A. Club

St. Sylvester's G.A.A. Club, Malahide have announced details of a new business and services networking initiative launching on Tuesday, 8th November 2011.

Guest speaker on the night shall be Bobby Kerr from Dragon's Den and Insomnia fame. Registration will open at 6:30pm in the St. Sylvester’s G.A.A. Clubhouse at 2 Church Road, Malahide. The event itself shall commence at 7pm.

The details are outlined below, with further information (including pre-registration) available at or from Ernie Brenner contactable at

Everyone can benefit from this initiative e.g. if you don’t have a business or service to sell you may have children coming through at some stage who might benefit from a work or transition year placement, mentoring etc. or you might need someone to do something that may be sourced from amongst our members.

This event on Tuesday, 8th November 2011 is the first of a number of events which they are planning to host during the year 2012 and into the future. The format of the events will vary as the network itself evolves, and they believe that there are a number of benefits that will arise for you, your family or Company by attending these events and participating in this initiative.

As a club, St. Sylvester’s want to help create opportunities for their members so that they can be successful off the pitch and have choices in life and careers. This will help their club to be successful on the pitch too!

Please feel free to bring this to the attention of anyone else locally (members or non-members) whom you think might be interested in coming along.

B.S.N.S.S. is a new initiative being launched for members by a sub-committee under the direction of St. Sylvester’s Executive Committee. Members of this sub-committee include Ernie Brenner, John McCormack, Kevin Haverty, Alex Gibson and Diarmuid Scollard. Other club members have kindly volunteered to assist with management of the events. If you would like to be involved in helping with future events, please contact Ernie, John or Kevin.

Sarah Ann McGrath

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