The latest headlines from RTÉ News

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Use of Water Buts in Combating Water Shortages

Ben Cosgrave from Torsion Dynamics Ltd. expresses his views in relation to a recent Malahide Chamber of Commerce Newsletter:

"In relation to your most recent Newsletter detailing the effects and costs of the ongoing water shortage issues, it would seem to me that an obvious arrangement is for businesses to fit Water Buts to their gutters and save the rainwater.

A simple pump can be used to pump this back to whatever tank is used for toilet flushing. Obviously this won't suit EVERY building, but since freshly treated and drinkable water is generally used for flushing, and therefore wasted, the above method could be employed in place, thereby saving the treated reservoir water.

Perhaps somebody more experienced than I could at least examine the possibility, perhaps they have. If it is feasible, anywhere, the costs to the premises should be offset against their rates / water charges as it is in the Councils best interest to endorse the scheme."

Sarah Ann McGrath

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