The latest headlines from RTÉ News

Monday, November 29, 2010

Malahide Community School Climbs Kilimanjaro

Martha McNamara, a teacher in Malahide Community School, four other teachers and two parents are hoping to bring 15 students to Tanzania to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in June 2011.

To make this happen, a serious commitment will be required from all involved: They must take part in a strict training and diet programme; keep their bloods monitored between now and June 2011; and climb a number of mountains in Ireland. All this in preparation for the 5,895 meter climb to the summit.

The project fits in with the school ethos of encouraging students to develop the values and life skills necessary for them to become responsible and adaptable adults, willing to make a contribution to their local community and society in general.

As well as having the potential to be of tremendous personal benefit for the students themselves in terms of character building, instilling values of respect and cooperation, the aim of this is to encourage the whole school, teachers, parents and the wider business community to row in behind the project.

In order to do the climb an element of fundraising is involved, partly for the trip itself. Their nominated charities are as follows:

1. The Ross Nugent Foundation: Ross was a pupil of the school who passed away in May 2010. His foundation raises funds for new equipment in the oncology department at Beaumont hospital.
2. The Laura Brennan Charitable Trust: Laura was a pupil of the school who passed away in 2008. Her foundation supports children up to the age of 18 suffering from life threatening or life limiting illnesses in Malahide and the surrounding area.
3. The Parkinson's Association: This association supports patients of Parkinson's disease and their families and is often a forgotten cause.
4. The Light of Massai: Irish woman Elaine Bannon has set up an education centre in Tanzania to educate the children of the Massai tribe. The group hope to visit the centre while they are there.

Their fundraising will take place both in the school and in the community of Malahide through a variety of events, some already organised such as non-uniform days, bag packing, race night and the Gibney's Wine Fair.

They are looking to you the local businesses for support and sponsorship in this endeavour.

They would be very grateful of any help but here are some options that you may want to consider:
1. €200 euro to sponsor a race at the Race Night in March 2011. Your business name and details would be on every race card.
2. Sponsorship of t-shirts.
3. Raffle prizes for the various events.

They will ensure that all who contribute to their project will have positive promotion and advertising.

They have sent a letter to all the well known media figures associated with Malahide seeking their support, in the hope that they will assist in some way and that it will attract media attention and in turn benefit sponsors.

They also hope to bring some fun and entertainment to the community and build positive momentum within the school and the larger Malahide area, while supporting very worthwhile charities along the way.

All support for this local endeavour in any form would be greatly appreciated.

Martha can be contacted through the school or at

Sarah Ann McGrath

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