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Friday, September 4, 2009

Broadmeadow Liaison Group meeting 1st September 2009

Hi everyone,

Yesterday our committee met with Liam Meagher Meagher (Project Manager Iarnrod Éireann), Gary Keane (Iarnrod Éireann Community Relations) and Michael Lorigan (Fingal Director of Transportation). There were eight members of our committee in attendance representing Malahide Chamber of Commerce, Malahide Yacht Club, Swords Sailing Club, Sea Scouts, Fingal Sailing School, DMG Sailsports and Malahide Community Forum.

Together we had a very constructive and informative meeting and exchange of opinions. The main points emerging from the meeting were:

· The Bridge was constructed in 1844 and the original wooden bridge replaced in 1860. The bridge was again upgraded in the 1960’s. The concrete piers were built on top of the weir rather than down to the underlying ground. A fissure in the weir allowed water scour the foundations of the piers resulting in the collapse of pier 4.

· Initially it seemed that the restoration of the bridge was the matter at hand but it quickly became clear that the repair of the weir was the priority because faults there were the cause of the incident.

· Firstly, the velocity of the water coming through the weir needed to be reduced to prevent further damage and loss of water from the inner estuary. Five and ten tonne stones were placed in front of the weir and back filled with smaller stones.

· Having stabilised the weir, an access road has been constructed that extends across the weir. At the weir this will not exceed the height of the existing weir and should be complete by today. This should effectively stem further water loss and allow a restoration of water levels on the high tides in the coming days.

· There was a concern that this new structure might raise the water levels and cause flooding on Bissett’s Strand and through the estuary. Iarnrod Éireann undertook to monitor this situation. We realise that there is occasional flooding in this area and the work now taking place will probably not improve that situation.

· It is now planned to rebuild Pier 4 and strengthen the remaining piers with pile driven supports. Work is likely to continue after the bridge is reopened which is expected to happen before Christmas.

· The access road is temporary and will be removed when work is complete, but some of the structure will remain to shore up the weir. We have asked that this does not adversely affect users of the weir, especially canoeists.

· A survey is being undertaken of the entire estuary by Professor Keogh of UCC to study the dynamics of this body of water and to make recommendations that ensure the proper management of the estuary and the protection of wildlife.

· The purpose of this project is to re-establish the Dublin-Belfast line and restore the weir to its original condition. This work does not require planning because it is emergency repair work that adds no new features. Because of this, it is not possible to include any additions such as walkways or sluice gates as part of the project.

We have established a structured communication system with Iarnrod Éireann and will liase with them on a regular basis and inform you of news as it occurs. In the meantime I believe its fair to say that the concerns we had in respect of the weir and the inner estuary have been acknowledged and accepted by all parties.

Best regards


Al Ryan
Malahide Chamber of Commerce
T: 01 866 0110 / F: 01 816 7909 / E:

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