The latest headlines from RTÉ News

Friday, September 25, 2009

St Sylvesters Hurling

A busy weekend in prospect for Syls hurlers. First up on Saturday at 3.30 in Bridgefield, the U16 hurlers meet a crack Lucan side in the A Championship semi final. On Sunday we move to Parnell Park where the U15 Hurlers take on St Vincents in the U15 B Championship Final, throw in at 1pm. Best of luck to both team, please come out and support them.

Ladies All Ireland Football Final

Pride of the parish, Sinead Ahearne, carries all our hopes and best wishes into the All Ireland Ladies Football Final next Sunday. This Dublin team needs the support of everyone involved in Dublin GAA across all levels and from every corner of the county.
Our very own St Sylvester’s Gaelic-4- Mothers team take on Tipperary opposition during the half time interval in the very first game of this new code in Croke Park

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Malahide Chamber of Commerce Newsletter Issue 9

In This Issue:

1. Rates Reminder!
2. Lisbon. You Decide.
3. Broadmeadow Railway Bridge, update
4. Stress everywhere? Take a step to wellness. Ross Cousens at the Tree of Life Centre Holistic Centre is running another Stress reduction workshop and offered free places for all Chamber members. The one hour session is on Monday 5th Oct, 5:30 to 6:30pm.
5. Fingal Day of Enterprise – The Business Panel - Thursday 24th September 8.30am - 11.00am
6. Garda News: CCTV, Garda Website & Crime Prevention Officer
7. Malahide Logo - Download it now for your Business -- available from

Friday, September 18, 2009

Images from Bridge Visit, Friday Sept. 17th

All Ireland Football Final Sunday Sept 20th at Syls!

Welcome to St. Sylvester’s GAA Club, Malahide!
Have you family and friends up for the match this Sunday? Bring them to the club Saturday night for for the taste of a real GAA welcome. Come and welcome supporters from Cork & Kerry , Mayo & Armagh....Join in the pre-match banter, local expertise required ! Music chat agus Craic!

Celebrating Malahide Library Centenary

Genealogy Seminar in Malahide Library on Saturday November 7th starting at 10.15am. With lectures by representatives of the National Archives, Ordnance Survey Historic Maps & UCD. Also giving a lecture will be Helen Kelly professional genealogist amongst others. Entry is free, booking is essential. Please call the library on 8704430 or 8704431 or email to reserve a place.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Latest image from bridge work at Broadmeadows Estuary

Please find attached an Iarnrod Éireann aerial photo of the site in recent days.
Our group will be meeting with IE tomorrow and will follow up on a few queries we have received recently in respect of the work.
Best regards
Al Ryan
Grand Hotel - Marine Hotel
T: 01 866 0110
F: 01 816 7909

Tidy Towns Competition 2009

Malahide received a Gold Medal in the Large Urban Centre category in the Tidy Towns Competition 2009. Malahide, a past national winner of the Tidy Towns Competition, was also Highly Commended in the County Awards.
Well done to everyone involved! If anyone is interested in getting involved for the 2010 initiative, please get in touch. We'd be delighted to hear from you!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Agenda for the Malahide-Howth Area 'B' Meeting on Sept 17th

Thanks to Councillor Peter Coyle who forwarded the agenda for the Malahide/Howth meeting of Fingal County Council to the Chamber, there may be items of interest to you.



Phone: 8905000
Fax: 8905809
P.O. Box 174,
County Hall,
Co. Dublin.

11th September, 2009

To each Member of the Howth-Malahide
Area Committee:

Dear Councillor

A meeting of the Howth-Malahide Area Committee (Services B – Planning, Housing, Community Recreation and Amenities, and General) will be held in the Baldoyle Library and Offices, Baldoyle, Fingal Dublin 13, Co. Dublin at 3p.m. on 17th September 2009.

Yours faithfully,

S. Peppard
Meetings Administrator
Corporate Services Division


1. Confirmation and Re-affirmation of Minutes

Minutes of Meeting of the Malahide/Howth Area Committee
held on Thursday 21st May 2009. (to be circulated)

2. Councillor A. Farrell
"To ask the Manager if the council will be able to match the grant given to the Malahide Castle Craft Courtyard project within the next twelve months?"

3. Councillor J. Maher
"To ask the Manager to replace the dead trees at back of Kilbarrack Graveyard at Sutton Park?"

4. Councillor J. Maher
"To ask the Manager to replace a tree outside 48 Sutton Downs, Bayside, Sutton?"

5. Councillor A. Farrell
"To ask the Manager if the tree outside 5 Castledowns Grove could be pruned during the winter works program?"

6. Councillor A. Farrell
"To ask the Manager if the sapling trees along side 1 Millview Close, Malahide could be removed/relocated as they are causing damage to the neighbouring boundary wall?"

7. Councillor A. Farrell
"To ask the Manager if the trees at 1 Chalfont Road which are overhanging a residence could be pruned back when the season allows?"

8. Councillor A. Farrell
"To ask the Manager if the tree outside 50 Bayside Square North which is obscuring a street light could be pruned back when the season allows?"

9. Councillor A. Farrell
"To ask the Manager if the gate lodge at Bridgefield, Malahide Demesne will form part of the upgrade of Malahide Castle & surrounding buildings or if any identifiable uses for it have been discussed?"

10. Councillor P. Coyle
"To ask the Manager when the open spaces and playground in Holywell estate will be taken in charge by the Parks Department?"

11. Councillor P. Coyle
"To ask the Manager to state Fingal County Council’s progress in contending the Adverse Possession claim submitted to the Land Registration Office relating to public open space lands adjacent to 29 The Dunes, Portmarnock?"

12. Councillor P. Coyle
"To ask the Manager if the trees in Burrow Court, Portmarnock could be examined, major pruning be carried out on the trees on the grass verges outside House no’s 13 and 25, and the damage caused by the roots of the tree outside no House No 10 be addressed?"

13. Councillor P. Coyle
"To ask the Manager to examine the planted area on the open space behind House no’s 95 to 106 Ardilaun, Portmarnock, which is subject to anti-social behaviour in some locations, and see what can be done to counteract the problem, possibly by some planting of appropriate prickly plants, or the removal of some shrubbery?"

14. Councillor P. Coyle
"To ask the Manager to report on the progress between the Planning and Parks Departments with Menolly Homes relating to the taking-in-charge of the pitches and Millenium Park at Baldoyle?"

15. Councillor C. O'Callaghan
"To ask the Manager what action he proposes to take to deal with the problem of anti social behaviour at night time at the playground in Howth?"

16. Councillor C. O'Callaghan
"To ask the Manager will he re-instate the small grant that was provided to Pride in Bayside to help them with their voluntary activity?"

17. Councillor C. O'Callaghan
"To ask the Manager for an update on progress in providing much needed community facilities in Millenium Park Baldoyle?"

18. Councillor C. O'Callaghan
"To ask the Manager to report on what steps have been taken to ensure that the terms of the planning permission at the Coast development in Baldoyle are complied with in respect to provision of playgrounds?"

19. Councillor C. O'Callaghan
"To ask the Manager to trim the hedgegrows and green verges along the Howth tramline?”

20. Councillor C. O'Callaghan
"To ask the Manager what assistance the Council will provide Trackside Tennis Club with their plans to upgrade the tennis courts in Seagrange Park?"

21. Councillor E. O'Brien
"To ask the Manager for an update on the land ownership negotiations on the right of way at Barrack Bridge, Malahide?"

22. Councillor E. O'Brien
"To ask the Manager for an update on the enforcement proceedings regarding Seaview Guest House?"

23. Councillor C. O'Callaghan
"To ask the Manager to report on what action has been taken to improve the poor state of the Former Signalmans House located at Howth Junction DART Station?"

24. Councillor C. O'Callaghan
"To ask the Manager how many Council owned houses in Howth are boarded up, what their locations are and how long has each house been boarded up and vacant?"

25. New Works, Acceptance of Tenders etc. (if any, to be circulated)

26. Applications for Funding. (if any, to be circulated)

Proposed Redevelopment of the existing Cricket Ground at Malahide (report, to be circulated)

28. Area Chairperson Business: Councillor Peter Coyle
"That the Manager provide an update on negotiations with the Baptist Church and the local Melrose Park Residents’ Association re the provision of a Community Centre facility adjacent to Feltrim Road, serving Melrose Park/Kinsealy Downs and Kinsealy Court and the new communities in the general area (including Drynam Hall and Holywell estates)."

29. Councillor E. O'Brien
"That the Manager provide a full report on the Management Agreement between stakeholders of the newly refurbished Hockey Pitch at Broomfield, Malahide. When will all stakeholders have use of the pitch based on the Management Agreement? Is there a delay in providing all stakeholders use of this facility and if there is a delay how long more will it take to resolve this matter?"

30. Councillor J. Maher
"That the Manager bring a report on the “Millenium Park” Baldoyle to include allocation of pitches to local clubs and when the park will be open to the public."

31. Councillor P. Coyle
"This Committee recommends that a project be carried out for the control of the Giant Hogweed in the Sluice River catchment area, given that the noxious weed is now also threatening the Sluice River Marsh (a proposed Natural Heritage Area)."

32. Councillor C. O'Callaghan
“That the Manager shall arrange maintenance and tidying of the bank between Church Street and Dunbo Hill, Howth.”

33. Councillor J. Maher
“That the Manager indicate what action the Council will take to deal with the trees in Bayside which are causing problems for residents because of their size and close proximity to houses. The roots are lifting footpaths and are in front gardens close to house foundations."

34. Councillor P. Coyle
"That the Manager report on progress in the provision of Allotments in the Howth-Malahide Electoral Area."

35. New Works, Acceptance of Tenders etc.
(if any, to be circulated)

36. Proposed Disposal of Properties.

a) Proposed disposal of substation site at Sarto Park, Montini Road (Roncalli), Sutton, Dublin 13 to the Electricity Supply Board.

b) Proposed disposal of substation site at Pobalscoil Neasain, School Lane, Baldoyle, Dublin 13 to the Electricity Supply Board. (to be circulated)

37. Correspondence. (if any, to be circulated)

38. Application for Planning Permission and Decisions – Files requested by Members.

(a) Files requested by Area Chairperson,
(b) Files relating to the Howth-Malahide Electoral Areas.
(report ,if any, to be circulated)

39. Files listed by Manager.
(if any, to be circulated)

40. Correspondence.
(if any, to be circulated)

41. Presentation on proposed Broomfield Local Area Plan.

42. Presentation on proposed Portmarnock Urban Centre Strategy.

43. Report on public display of Statement of Character Documents for Malahide Historic Core ACA and Malahide Demesne ACA.
(report ,to be circulated)
44. Councillor E. O'Brien
"That this Committee agrees to reverse the decision of the naming committee an the 16th April to name the new building on Railway Avenue, Malahide "The Well Building" and allow the provider to name it "Railway House" as suggested."

45. Councillor C. O'Callaghan
“That the Manager shall take action to ensure that the line of trees which acted as a visual and noise bufferzone between factories in the Baldoyle Industrial Estate and adjacent residential dwellings and which was an original condition of planning permission be restored.”

46. Councillor P. Coyle
"This Committee recommends that Shannon Homes be requested to provide more secure boundary fencing to the rear of House no’s 1 to 12 Castlemoyne, given that it appears that the estate may not be completed for some years and that the existing properties there have security problems in the interim period."

47. New Works, Acceptance of Tenders etc.
(if any, to be circulated)

48. Sketch layouts for proposed dwellings in the Housing Construction Programme - Initiation of procedure pursuant to Part XI, Local Government Planning and Development Act 2000.

49. Correspondence.
(if any, to be circulated)

50. Councillor C. O'Callaghan
“That the Manager shall take immediate action to renovate and reallocate Council owned properties in Howth which are boarded up.”

51. Councillor P. Coyle
"In relation to the twelve County Council flats at Dublin Street, Baldoyle, that the Manager report on works being carried out to address the problems there, including dampness, insulation, heating and general condition of the flats."


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Saturday 12th Sept: A Century of Sport Malahide Library

A Century of Sport Malahide Library

Below is the line up for the Century of Sports seminar this Saturday September 12th. Jim Glennon, former Irish rugby player, will do the introduction in the morning and Clr Alan Farrell will do the summary remarks in the evening time.

We would really like to have a good crowd and show our appreciation to all the clubs involved. It would be a great help if people wishing to come could call the library to reserve a place (01-8704430) so that we would have an idea of numbers coming along.


10.15 Tea/Coffee

10.30 Introduction10 by JimGlennon

10.45 St. Sylvesters GAA

11.10 Malahide Cricket Club

11.30 Tea/Coffee

11.45 Malahide Rugby Club

12.10 Malahide United AFC

12.30 Malahide Golf Club

13.50 Lunch

14.00 Malahide Yacht Club

14.20 The Island Golf Club

14.40 Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club

15.00 Closing Remarks Clr Alan Farrell

Many thanks to all for getting involved.

Nora Finnegan


Malahide Library

01 8704430

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Malahide Juvenile Hurling

Bridgefield is the place to be this Saturday 12th Sept and Sunday 13th Sept with Championship matches for St Sylvesters Under 16s and U15s.

On Saturday at 2.30 the newly promoted U16s face a stern test against high flying Na Fianna in the Division 1 quarter Finals.

On Sunday at 11.30 the U15s face Nh. Oliver Plunkett/Eoin Rua in the Championship semi finals. With little between these teams in the league games a hard and close match is expected.

Please come along and support your villages teams. More info at

Malahide Ladies Gaelic Football

Congratulations to Sinead Aherne and Niamh McEvoy who were part of the Dublin Ladies Football team (The Jackies) who have reached the All Ireland Final. Sinead scored 1-9 in the semi final win over Monaghan.

There is no rest for them though as they join with our near neighbours Naomh Mearnog to play Na Fianna in the Dublin Ladies Senior Championship Final on Friday 11th September at 20.30 in Parnell Park.

The Ladies All Ireland 7s will again be hosted by Naomh Mearnog and St Sylvesters on the 26th September 09 and a lot of work is being done by the club in having the dressing rooms in Broomfield redecorated for this event.
On All Ireland day itself, St Sylvester’s will be participating in the Gaelic For Mothers match at half time. Team manager Declan Lynch has been working in preparing the team over the last number of weeks.

Your support would be welcome in Croke Park on the day to support the ‘mothers’ and also Sinead Aherne and the Jackies in their quest for All Ireland glory against Cork.

This in turn will be followed by an All Ireland Gaelic For Mothers tournament to be hosted by St Sylvester’s on October 11 with 300 participants expected on the day. We will have a further update in a couple of weeks.

Meanwhile, our Under 14 girls had a hard fought win over Castlenock on Friday night in Broomfield and share top spot with Kilmacud in the Division 1 League.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Broadmeadow Liaison Group meeting 1st September 2009

Hi everyone,

Yesterday our committee met with Liam Meagher Meagher (Project Manager Iarnrod Éireann), Gary Keane (Iarnrod Éireann Community Relations) and Michael Lorigan (Fingal Director of Transportation). There were eight members of our committee in attendance representing Malahide Chamber of Commerce, Malahide Yacht Club, Swords Sailing Club, Sea Scouts, Fingal Sailing School, DMG Sailsports and Malahide Community Forum.

Together we had a very constructive and informative meeting and exchange of opinions. The main points emerging from the meeting were:

· The Bridge was constructed in 1844 and the original wooden bridge replaced in 1860. The bridge was again upgraded in the 1960’s. The concrete piers were built on top of the weir rather than down to the underlying ground. A fissure in the weir allowed water scour the foundations of the piers resulting in the collapse of pier 4.

· Initially it seemed that the restoration of the bridge was the matter at hand but it quickly became clear that the repair of the weir was the priority because faults there were the cause of the incident.

· Firstly, the velocity of the water coming through the weir needed to be reduced to prevent further damage and loss of water from the inner estuary. Five and ten tonne stones were placed in front of the weir and back filled with smaller stones.

· Having stabilised the weir, an access road has been constructed that extends across the weir. At the weir this will not exceed the height of the existing weir and should be complete by today. This should effectively stem further water loss and allow a restoration of water levels on the high tides in the coming days.

· There was a concern that this new structure might raise the water levels and cause flooding on Bissett’s Strand and through the estuary. Iarnrod Éireann undertook to monitor this situation. We realise that there is occasional flooding in this area and the work now taking place will probably not improve that situation.

· It is now planned to rebuild Pier 4 and strengthen the remaining piers with pile driven supports. Work is likely to continue after the bridge is reopened which is expected to happen before Christmas.

· The access road is temporary and will be removed when work is complete, but some of the structure will remain to shore up the weir. We have asked that this does not adversely affect users of the weir, especially canoeists.

· A survey is being undertaken of the entire estuary by Professor Keogh of UCC to study the dynamics of this body of water and to make recommendations that ensure the proper management of the estuary and the protection of wildlife.

· The purpose of this project is to re-establish the Dublin-Belfast line and restore the weir to its original condition. This work does not require planning because it is emergency repair work that adds no new features. Because of this, it is not possible to include any additions such as walkways or sluice gates as part of the project.

We have established a structured communication system with Iarnrod Éireann and will liase with them on a regular basis and inform you of news as it occurs. In the meantime I believe its fair to say that the concerns we had in respect of the weir and the inner estuary have been acknowledged and accepted by all parties.

Best regards


Al Ryan
Malahide Chamber of Commerce
T: 01 866 0110 / F: 01 816 7909 / E: