The latest headlines from RTÉ News

Friday, August 27, 2010

Malahide Photographic Competition

As part of the recent 'Malahide Has It’ festival, the Malahide Chamber of Commerce organised an open photographic competition that sought to capture the spirit of Malahide over the days of the festival.

There was an excellent response to the competition, and with the very talented pieces submitted, the judges had a difficult decision to make.

The judges were Cathy Dunne (Malahide Chamber of Commerce); Margaret Cure (Malahide Forum) and Peter Barriscale (Malahide Camera Club).

First Prize went to ‘Pulling Together in Malahide’ by Roisin Nugent; Second Prize went to 'Amusement Chair' by Adrian Sadlier; whilst Third Prize went to ‘Heave’ by Catherine Bushe.

The Malahide Chamber of Commerce would like to congratulate all the winners and send their special thanks to everyone who participated in the competition. They would also like to especially thank the Malahide Camera Club for all their assistance in organising this competition.

For more information, please visit

Sarah Ann McGrath

Malahide Cat Reunited with Owner After DART Adventure

Lilou the tabby was at home in Malahide yesterday with her owner, Restaurant Manager Eric Bieci, having come to national attention when she boarded a DART train from Malahide to Pearse Street travelling halfway across the capital.

The 6-month-old family pet was found in Pearse Street DART station on Wednesday, having gone missing from her home on Monday night, when a member of the public handed her into staff after she was discovered travelling alone on a carriage.

It was established that she had boarded the DART in Malahide so the search then began for her owners.

Shortly after a press release from Irish Rail, Lilou became an internet sensation.

Lilou had been looked after by staff in the HR Department at Irish Rail. A number of kind members of the public contacted the station, saying they would take care of her should her owners not turn up.

However, when feline and owner were reunited, all was good again.

Sarah Ann McGrath

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Malahide Camera Club

Malahide Camera Club resumes after the summer break on Thursday, 2nd September 2010 in the Grand Hotel, Malahide at 8pm.

New members are very welcome and they can look forward to a full and excellent programme for the year ahead.

Club members receive lessons in photography and Photoshop catering for all levels, but the programme also includes practical sessions, outings, guest speakers, team and individual competitions and more besides.

The club year runs from September to June with breaks at Christmas and Easter.

The primary aim of the club is to promote photography through enjoyment and the friendly, helpful and sociable atmosphere is a key element of this.

The annual membership fee is great value at €100, covering about 37 meetings per year.

Sarah Ann McGrath

McCabe's Pharmacy - 30th Birthday Celebrations!

Malahide has changed a lot in the last 30 years, but one village shop is still going strong.

This Friday, McCabe's Pharmacy, Malahide Shopping Centre, shall be celebrating their 30th birthday.

Originally started by pharmacist Roy McCabe, McCabe's Pharmacy, Malahide was the first branch of an expanded and much loved Irish pharmacy and retail brand with 21 outlets across the country.

Roy's daughter Aine McCabe now runs the Malahide branch and dispenses medicine and advice in the steps of her Dad.

Call into Aine at the pharmacy on Friday, 27th August 2010 where you shall receive a 20% off discount as well as many goodies, surprises, face painting and balloons.

Happy 30th birthday!

Sarah Ann McGrath

Monday, August 23, 2010

Malahide Tidy Town Group

Following the successful Malahide Has It festival in July 2010, the Malahide Chamber of Commerce generated surplus funds which it decided to donate to the Community.

The Chamber choose the Malahide Tidy Town Group as its work benefits everyone who lives, works and visits Malahide.

The Chamber recognises that the newly relaunched Tidy Town Group has brought new energy and commitment to the task of putting Malahide back on the Tidy Town map, whilst improving the local environment at the same time.

The Malahide Has It festival committee, lead by the Chamber of Commerce, said “we are delighted by the fantastic response we’ve had from the people of Malahide to the events organised during the festival. We succeeded in our aim of giving a real boost to the town”.

The festival was family orientated featuring a fun fair, activities on Malahide Green and numerous other entertainment offerings, most of which were free to the public.

Speaking for the Festival Committee, Chamber President Al Ryan said “ we hope to build on this success by organising more events that highlight the great attractions on offer in Malahide”.

Pictured at the presentation of €2,500 are: Sean Farrell (Festival Committee), Cathy Dunne (Festival Committee)), Hazel Bolton (Malahide Forum), Peter Farrell (Tidy Towns) Al Ryan, (President, Malahide Chamber), Heidi Bedell (Tidy Towns), Ernie Brenner (Festival Committee), Gerry Rafferty (Chairperson, Tidy Towns), James McFadden (Tidy Towns), Eric Crampton (Tidy Towns).

Sarah Ann McGrath

Friday, August 20, 2010

Council Launches Local History Journal

A new local history journal of Fingal County Libraries has been launched.

The launch of Fingal Studies took place in Fingal County Libraries’ new reference and research facility, which is situated on the second floor of Clonmel House on Forster Way in Swords.

The idea of a Fingal Local History Journal originated from a partnership arrangement between former County Librarian Paul Harris and N.U.I. Maynooth’s local history certificate course delivered by local historian and author Joe Byrne at Pobalscoil Iosa in Malahide.

Fingal County Libraries subvented the course and the students produced theses and essays relating to Fingal, which are now available for consultation in Clonmel House.

Producing a journal twice yearly will ensure the widest possible access to students, historians and indeed anyone who is interested in the history of the county.

It will also provide a forum for the vast knowledge and ability of all the local history enthusiasts who will contribute to the journal over the coming years.

It will be readily available as a reference resource in all branch libraries and also for sale at the very reasonable price of €5.

Anyone interested in contributing articles relating to any aspect of Fingal to the new journal should contact Jacinta Judge Local Studies Librarian on 8704495 or Joseph Byrne Editor at

Sarah Ann McGrath

Fingal Sailing School: Fun Day and End of Summer B.B.Q.

To mark the end of the summer holidays, Fingal Sailing School and Wind & Wave are hosting an end of summer Fun Day and B.B.Q. on Saturday, 28th August 2010 from 10am until 5pm.

In addition to sailing and windsurfing sessions, throughout the day attendees shall have full use of their kayaks, windsurfing gear, sups and sailing boats.

Their centre, facilities and gear shall be available for anyone to use throughout the day, all for a cover charge of just €5 per person.

For more information regarding this event, please contact Fingal Sailing School on 01 8451979.

Sarah Ann McGrath

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

J.C.I. - National Convention

Junior Chamber Ireland (J.C.I.) is part of a worldwide organisation with the mission of providing development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change.

As the name suggests, they seek to train and inspire the business and community leaders of tomorrow.

Our Fingal J.C.I. is hosting its National Convention in the Grand Hotel, Malahide this year.

They presented the program and sponsorship ideas to our last Chamber Committee meeting and we would like to share this with you.

The full details of sponsorship and benefits are available from Darrell at

The Chamber of Commerce takes this opportunity to wish J.C.I. every success with their convention.

Sarah Ann McGrath

Malahide Chamber of Commerce Golf Classic

The Malahide Chamber of Commerce Golf Classic shall take place in Malahide Golf Club on Thursday, 2nd September 2010 from 12pm until 2:30pm.

The cost of entering a team is €400, which includes golf for four people and dinner that evening. There shall also be spot prizes on the night.

All proceeds raised from the event shall go towards important community projects and re-investment in Malahide.

For further information regarding the event, please contact Matt Corcoran at

We look forward to seeing you there!

Sarah Ann McGrath

Friday, August 13, 2010

Coastal Discovery - Malahide Library

A coastal walk shall take place from Malahide Library to Portmarnock Beach on Saturday, 28th August 2010 starting at 12pm.

There shall be talks on environmental heritage along the way.

Sarah Ann McGrath

Animal Magic Road Show - Malahide Library

The Animal Magic Road Show shall take place in Malahide Library on Wednesday, 25th August 2010 at 2pm for children aged 5 to 12 years.

Animal Magic Road Shows are specifically designed to both educate and entertain. They are very educational and interactive with lots of hands on experience

Pictured is Luke the Barn Owl showing off his very dark facial disc.
Places are limited so booking is essential.

Sarah Ann McGrath

Fingal Chamber Choir

Fingal Chamber Choir rehearses on Monday nights at St. George's National School, Naul Road, Balbriggan, from 7:30pm until 9:30pm.

Its repertoire ranges from Bach to The Beatles, but mainly on the sacred classical side.

The choir is currently looking for people who are interested in, and committed, to choral music, who have some slight singing/ reading ability and who have had some previous choral experience.

For more information, please visit

Sarah Ann McGrath - Assistant HR Manager