The latest headlines from RTÉ News

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Great guide to life in Malahide

An indispensable guide to life in Malahide has just been launched and distributed to every home in the seaside town.
The brainchild of Malahide Chamber of Commerce, the Malahide Directory is essential reading, for tourists and locals alike. Launched at a chamber function, the new publication aims to not only provide a guide to the services in the town, but at the same time help support local businesses.
'It's a directory for businesses in Malahide, aimed at residents and visitors,' Malahide Chamber of Commerce president, Al Ryan, told the Fingal Independent.
' We're seeking to provide a comprehensive listing of businesses and contacts, as well as useful information about the town's services, such as schools and hospitals.
'It also features a map of town, indicating where all the key services are.' Months of hard work went into the project, which was led by Córa Garvey and is self-funding, and the first delivery of the publication has already been made, with two more to follow. 'Our number one aim was to inform people of the huge variety of services and retailing that the town has to offer,' Mr Ryan continued.
'It went out to every home – 8,000 were delivered to local households – and an additional 20,000 brochures will be distributed to businesses in Malahide, particularly hotels, guest houses and retailers, for visitors.
' We want this to have longevity as well and we want it be kept in people's hands.'
The cover also features the chamber's new town branding, including the catch-line 'Malahide Has It', and it's hoped the directory will become and annual publication.
'That's the intention,' Mr Ryan added. ' We'd like to see it expanded.'
- Robin KIELY

2010 Issue 1 Chamber Newsletter

Here's to 2010!
Although for many of us 2010 has started off slowly, not helped at all by the weather, we need to take a positive view on the year ahead. The general economic situation seems to be stabilised and government spending is being brought under control. This year, our Chamber will seek to portray a positive image for the town and build on the efforts of 2009. Nearly all Chamber members could improve business by looking to other local businesses for support and custom. We will seek to foster those opportunities for us all.

I take this opportunity to ask you to support the Chamber by joining as a Member in 2010. The cost is minimal but without financial support our efforts are restricted - with support we can do more with the time we volunteer to the Chamber.

Contents of Newsletter:
  • Rates Re-Valuation & Appeals
  • DART Timetable Change adversely affects Business in Malahide
  • Managing Uncertainty
  • Broomfield Local Area Plan
  • Christmas Light Sponsors - a very BIG thank you